2023 Robot
CAD and Code
● 26” x 32” frame perimeter for narrow footprint on charge station
● KOP chassis frame
● Two-piece C bumpers with reversible covers
● Acrylic belly pan with ventilation slots
● Acrylic top cover to protect electronics
● Padded resting supports for intake arm
● Reinforced and higher support brackets for intake arm
● 6” high grip wheels (middle) and smooth grip wheels (corners)
● In-match Robot weight: ~80.0 lbs
● Bumper weight: ~13.5 lbs
● West Coast drive train
● 4 NEO V1.1 brushless motors on drive train
● Modified Everybot intake (narrowed to cube width)
● 2 NEO V1.1 brushless tilt motors on intake with 90° gearboxes (35:1 ratio each) (new after SFR)
● 1 NEO V1 brushless spin motor on intake (3:1 ratio)
● Standard power, CAN bus, and Ethernet wiring with cable clips for connection security
● REV power distribution hub
● CTRE Voltage regulator module
● NI roboRIO 2.0 (1.0 as backup)
● REV radio power module
● AndyMark Radio
● CTRE Pigeon 2.0
● 7 Spark MAX motor controllers
● JAVA programming
● Dashboard running off of Shuffleboard interface
● Modular selector to customize auton scoring
● Auton start: shoot, spit, shoot down, spit down
● Auton body: long backwards, short backwards, pickup cone, center over backward, center backward
● Auton end: turn around, none
● Speed: ~16.6 ft/s
● Agile robot movement with quick turning
● Pick up cubes and cones from the ground
● Cone scoring in hybrid nodes
● Cube scoring in all nodes (shooting to mid or high nodes)
End Game
● Dock and engage the charge station
● Auto-balancing program
● Act as a shuttle robot to bring cubes (preferred) and cones back to the Community
● Score on mid or high nodes with cubes to increase point value
● Score on hybrid nodes with cubes (preferred) or cones to complete links and to support alliance partners
● Balance on charge station
● Tilt charge station for alliance partners
Dustbin in Action!